6 Strand Modified Round Braid
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The Six Strand Leash is made from the Same 550 Paracord all the Other leashes are.
A more Heavier duty leash than a Four Strand Leash, this has a Modified Round Braid in three Colors.
Three strands of American made Paracord are doubled over a high quality Brass or Chrome latch.
The Strands are then Tied into a Tripled Diamond Knot to hold the Latch in place.
The Leash is then Braided in My Custom Six Strand Modified Round Braid to a length of about Seven Feet.
The Handle is then Formed and Backbraided into the Main section of the Leash and then finished off with a column of Snake Knots.
This Process makes for a very Strong leash that suits a medium to Big dog, Between 50-110/20 pounds.
I also make a Petite and Standard Four Strand Leash for Smaller Pets and a Heavy Duty Eight Strand Gaucho braided leash for bigger pets.

Black OD Green And Coyote Dog Leash

Black, Coyote and OD Green 6 Strand Leash

OD Green and Camo 6 Strand Paracord Leash

Paracord Dog Leash Acid Purple, Charcoal and Black

Paracord Dog Leash Red Charcoal Black Diamond

Paracord Dog Leash, Blue, Charcoal and Black

Paracord Dog Leash, Pink, Charcoal and Black