It has been a while since I have posted anything here, I have added many new Items but not many posts of what is going on. I have had odd changes at work, with my schedule and what I do, and it can just wear one down.
So in the midst of that I have managed to make some things. I have added a couple new leashes and collars as well as some standard Monkey fist key chains. I have one bracelet Posted and want to do more of those soon, but I have been making what I call Super Monkey Balls…
I take Super balls and use them for smaller Keychains, they look good and are smaller and lighter to carry.
The Armada Flea Market will be opening soon and I want to make sure I am Loaded with stuff to show and Sell. this year I will have belts and gun slings available
I hope to have a good year at the flea market, it’s a good time.