Flea Market!

posted in: Armada Flea Market, Shop news | 0

again with weather permitting I will be at the Armada Flea Market this weekend. In fact I have plans to be there the next three weekends in a row, of course with weather permitting.

I have been working on some new Items and hope to have some of them with me this weekend..

.8 Ball Chuter

An 8 Ball wrapped with a Herringbone weave

I have also made my first “Cat o Nine Tails/ Flogger” A coworker requested one for his LARPING gear (So he Says) …


Red Flogger

Red Flogger 2


I also should have at least 1 AR15 style single point/ dual point Gun Sling on hand, I have a few minor details to figure out on that yet.

