It’s been a long week, Kinda. Friday is finally here and it is pouring down rain. It is better than snow I guess.
I am thinking of putting a special “Custom” Page or Area on the site, someplace where interested people can request something different or whatever color, length or style of whatever it is you want. It will be awhile yet, I think I am going to have to build the page myself??? I am not a code guy, Networking is more my speed but I can get by alright it is just slow going when I do!
The list of things I would like to offer is quite diverse. Aside from my standard Monkey Fist Keychains ( Which are getting a minor upgrade), and Four different style and Strength Leashes, I will start offering Belts, Gunslings, Lanyards, and Handle Wraps, like for a walking stick or whatever. I have already made some pretty nice Duck call Lanyards, I have three in stock and will get pictures up soon, They vary in colors/ Camo and can hold 5 Calls. They are difficult to get a Picture Of as they are a bit long…
Thanksgiving is next week, and some time off of work is needed real bad. There is plenty to catch up on. My Studio/Shop is being rearranged to better suit my different workstations, right now My main workstation also doubles as my Photo studio, so I am building a dedicated area just for Pictures. It is hard to photograph my stuff in a way good enough for people to get a real sense of what they are looking at. You can not just go to Petco and Pick up a Leash like I offer here. you can find others online but most are again Not like mine; so I want to be able to express in Pictures what you can not feel so to speak.
anyhow, back to work for now.